Tips on Buying a Property for Sale in France

08/03/2013 14:15

 France is a beautiful country that is rich in culture and sceneries. This is why many people consider living in the country. Read on to learn tips on buying a property for sale in France.

France is Europe's centre of culture, as it is the home of French cuisine, high fashion, and historical events. This is where famous fashion designers and culinary elements originated. It is also famous for its beautiful castles, churches, and other architecture, such as the Loire Valley, Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, and Louvre Art Museum. These are some of the reasons people consider living and buying a property for sale in France. Before buying properties, however, make sure that you are aware of their regulations.


Here are some tips on buying properties for sale in France:


Make a Criteria List

Create a list of the things you want in a property, such as the number of rooms and square meters of specific areas. This way, it lets you focus on a specific goal. You can avoid any distractions when buying a property because you know what you are looking for.



Research on the internet and visit real estate websites or type keywords on search engines. Many dealers post properties for sale online for faster transactions and to attract international clients. This also gives you flexibility, as you can find and compare many properties without visiting them. Most real estate websites filter their results according to your preferred location, budget, and type. This way, you do not have to browse through all their property listings.


Know the Terminology

French is the country's national language so some English words might not work when talking to dealers. Below is a list of English to French translations of words you might find useful in property buying:

- Estate Agents - Immobiliers

- Conveyancing Solicitor - Notaire

- Selling Agreement/s - Compromis de Vente

- Final Contract - Acte de Vente

- Construction Permit - Permis de construire

- Declaration of Work - Declaration de travaux



Negotiate with dealers, as they can give discounts on the property you are buying. It is possible to cut off the price by 5 to 10% depending on the state of the market. This way, you can use the money you saved on other expenses.


Hiring a Local Agent

Ask your relatives and friends if they know real estate agents in France. Getting a local agent is better because they are familiar with the processes in the country. They can handle all the legal documents and negotiations for a fast and secure purchase.


The Types of Sale and Purchase Contract

There are two forms of property contracts: Promesse de Vente and Compromis de Vente. These protect the buyers and dealers from illegal transactions and other problems that may arise. After signing these, there is no need for further negotiations and the property should be off the market. This is why both parties should agree before signing.


Buying a property can be challenging, as you need to plan thoroughly and find the right person to hire. Take your time and think if your decisions are attainable. For more properties, visit real estate websites to find the one that suits your preferences.

